How much per day should I practice babywearing ?
There is no specific recommendation for how much per day a person should practice babywearing, as it will depend on individual circumstances and preferences. Some factors to consider when deciding how much to practice babywearing include the age and size of the baby, the comfort and safety of the carrier, and the needs and activities of the caregiver.
It is generally safe to practice babywearing as much as desired, as long as the baby is placed in a carrier that is appropriate for their age and size, and the carrier is used correctly and safely. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for use, and to check the baby frequently to ensure that they are positioned correctly and comfortably in the carrier.
If you are new to babywearing or have any concerns about using a carrier, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional or a babywearing educator for guidance and advice. They can provide you with information about different carrier types and help you choose the best one for your needs, as well as demonstrate proper positioning and use.